Thursday, May 03, 2007

jc shooting on monday

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

for the first person i think "i love soccer" is the best.
"houston homeless" is the best for narrerded documtry
"track" is the best introspective

Thursday, March 29, 2007

I choice this one for detial because it has a lot of detials.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

i think this was made by who ever made it just put the peeps in the little farm house. and just got really close to it to make it look real sized.

Friday, January 12, 2007

1. Choose the portrait you like the most, and write the photo number.
i picked number 87

2.Briefly describe the photo. What is the CVI? Is it a formal portrait, an informal portrait, or something else?
the photo is of 3 women that looks like they are praying and the one in the middle has her hands to the sky and they are like exactley up to the clouds witch makes it look like they are right were her hands are. it is a enviormental portriat.

3. Form- What are the major composition techniques used in this photo, and how are they used? it is centerd

4. Content - What are the eye positions, and how does this affect the photo? Describe the lighting.
you cant see the eyes and the lighting is coming from the sky

5. Expression- What is happening in this photo that makes this moment "decisive?"
they are praying and the way her hands and the sky coraspond
6. Read the caption, and explain one thing that is interesting about the person / scene.
it is a muslem women praying to the sun rising

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

1. What is the difference between a Formal, informal, environmental portrait?
Formal is when they are like all dressed up . in formal is like someone being natural and environmental is when they are in their natural envermonent.

2. What do the eyes tell us?
where there looking and it can tell how they feel, and how they look in the picture.

3. What does the background and body position tell us?
how they are feeling and what kind of person they are and

4. How does the lighting affect the shot?
it affects the shot by it can make it look dark or light and that sets the whole tone of the picture.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Originally uploaded by jennifercanava.


Originally uploaded by jennifercanava.
not a real picture it was illistrated